15 Aug

Hydrosphere and Atmosphere: The Necessities of Life

One side of evolution deals with the satisfaction of vital needs, defence, survival of the species and growth by modifications towards perfection. Another—and stronger—factor in evolutionary process is concerned with the cosmic function of each living being, and even of inanimate natural objects, working in collaboration for
02 Nov

What is Integrative Learning?

Defining “integrative” as an independent term has helped me develop a deeper understanding of what integrative learning looks like.  In The Systems View of Life, scientists and systems theorists Fritjof Capra and Luigi Luisi (2014) discuss the ideas of “shallow” and “deep” ecology to explain the
15 Oct

Paradigm Shift

In the summer of 2019, I was offered a job as a co-teacher in an early childhood (three to six years old) Montessori classroom. Within the course of six months, I faced multiple life altering transitions: I decided to pick up the mantle of being a Montessori
10 Sep


I was regularly encouraged throughout my junior high and high school years to pursue work in some field of science. I enjoyed science classes and felt that I was highly capable to conduct experiments and engage in scientific inquiry. It also appealed to many of the adults