What could a little more Exploring Orienting Ordering Imagining Abstracting Manipulating Repeating Perfecting Working Observing Communicating do for your life?

Coaching can help find the answer.

Excavating core values and beliefs allows you to draw deep from the passions and desires flowing out of your inner being. Through coaching we partner to create greater awareness around your human tendencies as you build structure and strategies to support your vision.

Ecoliteracy Coaching

Explore core beliefs and build integrative systems for healthy living

Bioregional Professional Development

Imagine a life lived in communion with the natural world.

Edible Landscape Design

Learn to work with the Land, not against it.

Bioregional Curriculum Consulting

Explore the unique scope and sequence or your time and place.

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Hydrosphere and Atmosphere: The Necessities of Life

One side of evolution deals with the satisfaction of vital needs, defence, survival of the species and growth by modifications towards perfection. Another—and stronger—factor in evolutionary process is concerned with the cosmic function of each living being, and even of inanimate natural objects, working in collaboration for

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Geosphere: The Impression of Deep Time

“Human consciousness comes into the world as a flaming ball of imagination. Everything invented by man, physical or mental, is the fruit of someone’s imagination. In the study of history and geography we are helpless without imagination, and when we propose to introduce the universe to the child,

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[Re-]Orientation – Reinhabiting Montessori as a Participant Observer

Reinhabiting Montessori with bioregional awareness is similar to the everyday work of Montessori practitioners everywhere, for it begins with the honor of guardianship of the prepared environment. This role takes into account the wisdom of previous generations, the present situation, and future possibilities. I want to be clear

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The Vortex of Integrative Learning

Through the systemic integration of universal principles observed, then put into action by Montessori and members of the bioregionalism movement, I have endeavored to develop a greater conscious awareness as a Montessori practitioner and guardian of my cosmic community (see Figure 1). Thus far, in this culminating project

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Bioregional Philosophy as I See

Before setting out to reinhabit America, we should know what went wrong the first time, by which I mean an ecologically honest account of our past. The fact is that Europeans came to the new world armed with ideas, philosophies, religion, and dreams of wealth that did not

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Montessori Philosophy as I See

Montessori had a unique vision for the adults preparing to work with her method that will provide a sense of balance as I explore the bioregional framework in relation to the preparation of adults as participant observers. In her book The Advanced Montessori Method – I, Montessori describes this vision

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Fall Online Sales Coming Soon!

Well House Ecoliteracy's offerings encompass not only coaching and consulting services but also an array of specialized products catering to the needs of sustainable agricultural practices. Our product line includes compost and soil blends with specially tailored nutrient formulations, mushroom cultivation supplies that are essential for the growth of this delicacy, and live plants and produce that are seasonal and locally sourced. Our scientifically designed products and services have proved to be highly beneficial in promoting sustainable agriculture practices and ensuring environmental sustainability. We take pride in our commitment towards promoting ecological literacy and providing our consumers with the highest quality products that are grounded in sound scientific principles.