The well house is a relic from times when humans drew water deep from the land they possessed. While some still rely on wells, most of us get our water from the tap or buy it from a store. Generations who came before us were required to inhabit land with clean water sources. At some point in history, key individuals decided to venture away from the common riverside communities in search of their very own piece of Earth. Most of these sojourners either returned home or died in their pursuit of independence. Providence would shine brightly on a few souls who found a new source of water, not flowing upon the Earth but from deep within.

Well House Ecoliteracy exists to guide those brave adventures in pursuit of drawing deep from within themselves in order to build something new.

Customized learning is key!

Individualized education built around a bioregional framework prepares youth and adults to appreciate the natural world. Creating a deeply rooted commitment to serving communities, human and non-human alike, develops resilient, peace-filled cosmic citizens.

Ecoliteracy coaching is for individuals and families across all walks of life.

Coaching helps people who want to have a healthier life, today.

Excavating core values and beliefs allows you to draw deep from the passions and human tendencies flowing out of your inner being. Through coaching we partner to create greater awareness as you build structure and strategies to support your vision.


Picture of Wesley Gunselman

Wesley Gunselman

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